Saturday, May 19, 2012

Remedies for Migraine

Remedies for migraines that really work
Written by Jessica Smith  
Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Feverfew is the main herb proven to have an effect on migraine. Oregano has also been reported to be effective-the dried leaf can be used as snuff to clear a blocked head, or simmer the fresh leaf in olive oil and use it to massage the temples.

A drink made from fresh ginger root has been shown to be almost as effective at preventing migraines (when taken daily) as powerful prescription drugs. Add ginger oil to almond oil and massage onto the temples during early warning signs. Or try soaking your feet in a footbath which has either fresh ginger or peppermint added, or their essential oil. The bath will draw the blood away from the head to the heat and provide some relief.

Eating a bowl of canned tomatoes simmered with basil and served with a dash of vinegar has been known to help migraine. Make up an ointment out of oregano oil and petroleum jelly and smooth onto the temples. If you can get hold of feverfew, make up a tea from the herb. If not, try peppermint and rosemary. Use tow parts peppermint leaves and one part rosemary and let them steep in a mug of hot water for at least 10 minutes.


Just the thought of ginger and peppermint makes me feel relaxed already.  I can already imagine how soothing it is - to drink, to soak in, to massage on my temples.

I love oregano on food.  And I love sniffing on the leaves.  So I guess that would work, too.

Do as search on feverfew and you'll be surprised.